How TO Apply?
Note: Please user you are PC/Desktop or Laptop with a Printer when Applying For you are CHED Scholarship Online.
Read All 6 Steps Before Applying for CHED Scholarship Online:
- Step 1.
Students need to check Weather they are Qualified for CHED Scholarship Programs or Not As per (CSPs) CM0 08, S2019 & CMO-11, S-2021
Qualification Requirements:
- Students should be a Filipino Citizen.
- He/She must be a Candidate for Graduation (or) Senior High School Graduate With General Weighted (GWA) Average Must be at least 93% or equal or passer of other/Alternative Learning System which is (ALS)
- PEPT – Philippine Educational Placement TEST,
- Student should have Parents/Guardian with Combined Gross Annual Income Not more then (PHP 400,000) Four Hundred Thousand Pesos.
- He/she Must not be a Graduate in any other Degree Programs.
- Step-2.
He/She should check if your course or Degree Program is in a CHED Priority Course or not (Degree program as per CMO-10, S-2021).
- Step-3.
Prepare all Scanned Clear Documents Copies Requirements and Save them in a JPEG Format (example .jpg or .jpeg keep in mind the file size should not be more then 5MB) save File in your PC Desktop or make a copy to your External Storage Device Before Applying Online.
NOTE: Documents must be updated Online while Applying for you are Scholarship (Keep all your Documents Clean and safe)
Important Note: The Documents which you are submitting online must be True CERTIFIED COPIES:
1. 2 pcs. 2″x2″ ID picture.
2. True copy of Birth Certificate.
3. Academic Credentials:
- Grade 11 & 1st Sem. Of Grade 12 – Graduating Senior Applicates School
- Form-137 — For Senior High School Graduates.
- Required Accreditation and Equivalency Test pass Certificate for ALS Passers.
- Required Certificate of Advancing to the Next Level – For PEPT Passer.
- Proof of Parents/Guardians Income – See below which is Applicable
- IRT of Parents/Guardians – Latest Income Tax Return
- BIR – Bureau of Internal Revenue | Form of Tax Exemption Certificate
- Students Parents/Guardians lates certificate of Indigency along with Gross Annual income which is issue by the Barangay Chairman or DSWD – Department of Social Welfare & Development.
- Case Study from DSWD (Affidavit of no income)
- OFW – Overseas Filipino Workers a latest contract or proof of income May be Considered
Documents which are Needed/Supporting:
The Following Documents are Required to Apply for you are CHED Scholarship.
- Need to Submit Photocopy of Solo Parent ID or Certification from (DSED) – Department of Social Welfare & Development.
- NCIP – National Commission on Indigenous peoples Submit this Certificate if Applications Belonging to an Ethnic Group.
- Submit you are Medical Certificate if you are an PWD Applicants.
- He/She who are living with Guardianship Must Submit you are Affidavit of Guardianship.
- Step – 4.
Enter all the required information in the CHED Application form Online.
- Step – 5.
After Entering all the information Click on Submit Button, keep your CHED Application Form a Copy with you.
- Step – 6.
After all the process is DONE Applying CHED Scholarship, Now Wait for the Result. Result will be sent though Email which is Provided in the Application Form. Note: Enter your Email Without mistake.
Note: The Validation of Application is Completed only after the Documentary Requirements is Validated by CHED Regions, All the Application are Subjected by the Ranking process of Ched Application which is submitted by He/She. If you are Nominated to CHED Scholarship Program we will Notify everyone by Email which is provide by He/she in the Application Process. Most important Note: Students HE/SHE need to submit the Document with True Copy Certificate online, With clear JPEG Format.